Connecting Suppliers & Buyers Globally

At HiemCo, our aim is to offer the highest level of service to both our buyers and sellers in order to enhance relationships. To earn the trust as we become an integrated member of their supply chain. We do this at HiemCo through information exchange and price updates so that each member of the supply chain is well informed in order to make timely decisions. Our superior wide-spread network of associates provides both buyers and sellers the ability to receive market intelligence from global markets in order to analyze and execute the most informed, cost effective and efficient business decisions. As a global source of supply and demand, HiemCo is able to provide offers and bids to our clients in either procurement or sales providing them year-round options in an increasingly competitive global origination market.
HiemCo. – linking our partners in the industry one supplier and one buyer at a time
Hiem Logistics
We offer complete supply chain solutions from any port in North America. Selecting the most efficient and cost effective transportation option can be challenging. Hiem Logistics will work with you to create solutions that are flexible, resulting in the most highly reliable and customizable services available. You will be granted with transportation services as part of a commercial transaction and benefitting from the extensive experience of team for the transportation of your goods. In both cases, our priority will be the exact observance of delivery terms and conditions for your goods